Thursday, April 26, 2012

Must Have List for the Out & About Mum!

Being a mother is the most wonderful part of a woman's life! Having a Toddler & Infant makes motherhood more fun yet demanding in everyway! At this stage of motherhood, you can either love the excitement or loose you sanity! If you love shopping, breakfast outings with your girlfriends or simply doing your own thing you need to gear up now that you are a mum of two! If you honestly want to have a good time with your toddler & baby here is my list of must have essentials for the Out & About Mum!


A baby bag is a total must have for any mum with kids! You know better than anyone else what your baby is going to need when you are out, so there are no rules in what to pack in a baby bag. Taking a sneak peak into my baby bag, you will find :
  • Basic things that you need for a Diaper change - Diapers, Changing Mat, Wipes, Diaper disposal bag.
  • Food - Milk, Snacks, Water. (Always carry a fun snack to keep your baby in a good mood when he is hungry!)
  • Clothes - At least one extra change of clothes is a must.
  • Baby Blanket  & Cap if you have an infant.
  • Toys, Books & anything else you need to keep you baby occupied.
  • Nursing Cover
  • Your Personal things - Wallet, Cell Phone etc. ( Yup store away all your beautiful handbags for now!)

Make sure you check your Baby bag before you leave your house to ensure that everything that you might need is there.  My top tip would be NEVER to leave your house without the baby bag!!


The stroller has been my best friend from the very first day I ventured out with my baby! There are different types of strollers available & you need to pick one which is perfect for you & your baby. I would recommend a stroller that can be used by both an infant & a toddler, that has very good wheels & a spacious basket to keep your baby bag, shopping bags etc. It is essential to know how to handle your stroller by yourself, from opening & folding a stroller to locking the wheels. The Graco stroller like the one above is one of my favourite strollers.


If the stroller is my best friend, then the baby carrier has become my new best friend!! The baby carrier is the best thing I picked up after my second baby arrived. A baby carrier helps you to keep your infant close to you so he can feel your warmth & heartbeat and at the same time giving you total freedom to move around to do your thing!
I would recommend the BABYBJĂ–RN carrier in a heart beat! This carrier can be used from birth as it supports your baby's head, hips & back. Once your infant is older & can hold up his head, the head support can be folded down so that your baby can be carried facing forward.
If you have a toddler & infant, a baby carrier helps you take care of both when you are out on your own! In a carrier your infant feels secure so he is happy & you can be sure that you have full freedom of movement to attend to your toddler's needs!


A baby car seat is essential for your baby's safety while travelling in a car. In many countries a car seat is a must for travelling with your child. The car seat for an infant is usually rear facing while a car seat for a toddler is forward facing.
The safety of your child comes first so a car seat is a total must. If you are out with your baby alone, the car seat is the most essential gear that you need especially if you are driving! Pick a car seat that your toddler feels comfortable in so that he enjoys his car ride too!


A nursing cover is one of my favourite baby accessory! A nursing cover helps you feed your baby when you are out & it makes things easier for you if there is no 'mother & baby' rooms around. The are many different styles of nursing cover & you should pick one that you find easy to use. I personally like this style of nursing cover as you can see your baby & he can see you too while nursing! You can make a style statement too by picking up a beautiful nursing cover for yourself!!

Now that you have all the gear you need, take the big step & venture out with your babies! Trust your mother instincts & have a great time! :-)