Saturday, April 2, 2011

Blogging & Me

Well, I finally got down to making my own blog! Something I have been wanting to do for a very long time! The concept of an 'online scrapbook' that I could share is what motivated me to start my blogging adventure. My blog will be a sneak peak into my life, my thoughts & my take on life as we know it. I plan to blog about things around me, things I see, like & enjoy.
Welcome aboard r.o.m.a!    


  1. I am looking forward to reading your blog R.O.M.A. In my own small way I hope to get an opportunity to derive an insight and contribute to the life of an amazing individual like yourself!!! Happy Blogging Roma sweetie :)

  2. hey chechi, your blog is so you! so proud of you. so happy that you got down to actually doing it! looks great. looking forward to reading more. what are the odd's? ur giving me a missed call!! talk to u on the other side! luv ya loads. kisses n hugz!
