Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Back to School!

School has reopened after a fun summer break and my son is more than excited to meet his teachers & friends!! He woke up early, wore his favourite T-Shirt, packed his bag & lunch (Pizza, his favourite!) and climbed into the car with a big smile! As I clicked a few pictures of my son with his new school gear (It's Disney Planes ~ Dusty this year :-) ) I paused for a moment realizing my little boy has grown up now & he knows that he is going to school! He was ready & looking forward to going back to school.

I will never forget the day when my little Mathew went to school for the very first time (September 10, 2013) It was the hardest thing I have done! I am the happiest when both my boys are with me & this was the very first time I have been away from him for 4 hours! As a mother I know that it is important to start school at the right age & schooling plays a very crucial role in my son's education. Back home you start kindergarten only after completing 4years.

In Qatar the 'right age' to start Preschool is clearly defined & I pondered over this for a long time before taking the 'big decision' to enroll my son in  Preschool at 3.5yrs (KG1). After a full academic year I am more than delighted with all that my little boy has learned in a positive fun environment. He has grown from being a toddler to an independent little boy. The Montessori environment is positive, holistic & helps in developing a strong foundation.

 I miss my boy when he is at school & my little fellow waits impatiently to pick up his big brother after school. Motherhood has many stages & sending your oldest child to school for the very first time has definitely been a big step for me as a mother. All said & done enrolling my little boy in school at the 'right age' has been the first big step to his education & an absolute must to create a strong foundation.
Looking forward to a fantastic school year!!

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